Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Kiona - Meg Wet Set

Hi, friends! I have a couple things to share with you today.

First, I want to show off...ahem...I mean, show YOU this sexy-dorable outfit from KIONA; the Meg Wet Set. You can find it at Tres Chic, then after that at the mainstore. "Meg" is available for purchase in 20 individual solid colors and also in a Fatpack that contains an additional 10 cute "logo" designs like the one I'm wearing. It is sized for Maitreya, Legacy, Perky and Reborn. Love this so much!

The second thing I wanted to share with you is about the location where this photo was taken. You may know by now that we closed the Ilha do Sol sims a couple weeks ago in order to pursue a new sim project. That's where I am now! Syx is still working his magic, but this lagoon was pretty much done, so I snuck over to give you guys a sneak peek of what's to come! Can't wait to share it with you all when it's complete. 

What I'm Wearing:


GENUS Project - Genus Head - Classic Face W001 

Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V5.3

[7DS] - BODY 2020 WINNIE bom skin WALNUT




*PKC* Rosary Bento Rings - Maitreya

--- PUMEC   - / Mesh Ears - Winter Flower

Cae :: Infinity :: Necklace

Orsini Jewelry COCO Ring Bento 




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