Monday, April 4, 2022

LRD - Mercy Jumpsuit

OK, y'all. I have a question for you. Have you ever gotten in an outfit "rut" where you just wanted to find something - ANYTHING - a little different than what you usually go for? I was feeling that lately until THIS stunning creation showed up in my life!

Please allow me to introduce you to LRD's Mercy jumpsuit! That's a great name for it because that's what I exclaimed when I saw it. Mercy can be found at the Designer Showcase, then after that at the Grey Magic sim. It's fitted for Freya, Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, Perky, Reborn and Slink. There are 14 sumptuous solids and 18 delicious patterns in the Fatpack HUD. You'll surely find a way to break any outfit rut with the Mercy jumpsuit!

What I'm Wearing:


/ lel EvoX AVALON 3.1

Legacy (f) (1.4)


FAGA - Majer


NaaNaa's Sali Necklace Legacy [Fatpack]

Nov-Menace Diamond Watch II (G)

Orsini Jewelry MELODY Bracelet R

ROSSI. Chic H Bracelet- Gold/Silver

ROSSI. Iced Out Bracelet- Gold


LRD Jumper Mercy


:::ChicChica::: Phoebe Nude

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