Tuesday, June 28, 2022

FREE AK Andro Head


Hello and Happy Tuesday, friends!

Today I wanted to tell you guys about a new, FREE head my friend Dilanha is absolutely ROCKING. We met up for some sailing fun aboard the new Amnesia catamaran I recently purchased from The Mesh Shop. When  she was walking down the dock towards me, I could tell she looked different. When she came aboard, I was ASTONISHED at her new, unique look!

Dilanah's new head (did I mention it's FREE at the moment???) is from AK and it's called Andro. AK has been given permission by Lelutka to use their EvoX maps apparently, so Dilanha grabbed a few skin demos and settled on this pretty one from Guapa. She informed me that Lelutka applier *HUDs* do NOT work on this head, but EvoX BOM definitely does.

Dilanah was gracious enough to let me blog about her new look and I would like to thank her for that. She's a very quiet, reserved gal and having me go on and on about how fantastic she looks I'm sure is a test on her nerves. ;P

After a bit of sailing - and me learning how this very LARGE catamaran heels and steers differently than the other sailboats I use - I knew I HAD TO grab this free head before it's gone. I can't BELIEVE I didn't know about this sooner! 

I'm going to grab a few demos myself and see which ones bring out all the pretty features of this unique head.

The AK Andro head is only FREE until tomorrow (June 29th) I believe, so go grab yours ASAP!

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