Thursday, June 16, 2022

Happy Thursday, everybody!

I took a nice, breezy walk along the beach on the NEW SIM we added to Elephant Island today. Syx has really knocked this one outta' the park. Between the waterfalls, the astounding underwater cave system, the grassy meadows and the fragrant floral-lined paths, I don't know which spot is my favorite yet! Please come by and explore the newest addition. It is a sight to behold!

Knowing I would be taking pictures, I made sure to dress up a little bit and my new necklace and bracelets from NaaNaa's were the perfect accessories for this dress! The necklace is called Jennie and can be found at the Anthem event. It is fitted for Maitreya, Freya and Legacy. There are four metal colors to choose from (SIX in the Fatpack!) and 12 leather textures for everyone via the included HUD.

The bracelets are called Bucci and can be found at the Kinky event. They are fitted for Maitreya, Freya and Legacy as well. There are four bracelets that can be turned on/off via the HUD; four metal colors to choose from and six in the Fatpack. There are 12 leather textures in the HUD for these as well.

After these events, these beauties can be found at the Grey Magic sim!

Welp, that's news for now. If you haven't heard, I added "vtuber" to my resume and have started a (really BAD right now) YouTube channel that I will be posting lots to in the coming weeks. And just like everyyyyyyyyy YouTube newbie, I've got my sights set on getting my first 100 subscribers so I can change my darn channel name to something other than 20435uqw0retqw0o9850w895 or whatever it is at the moment. I hate to beg, but I will here. If you could find it in your heart to swing by my channel and subscribe to it, I would be EVER SO grateful!!! I am having fun learning about video posting and editing, but I get kinda' pouty when I look at my dismal subscriber numbers. Not in it to make money. Just having fun in new ways I guess you could say. Anyhoo...I'll stop blabbering on and on. Go make yourself a TERRIFIC day. 


- Bryn


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