Wednesday, July 27, 2022

OYI - Spire Fireplace

Happy Hump Day, peoples!

I've spent my Wednesday working on a fun project. It's a secret, though, so don't tell Syx! I'm making him a skybox office filled with some of his favorite things along with some new things I've picked up lately.

One thing that REALLY changed the look and feel of the room so far is the addition of this GORGEOUS Spire fireplace from OYI (Only Your Imagination)! I used the black version here, but it also comes in brown, gray and gold. The textures are FANTASTIC and with a land impact of only 4, I was in love on the spot!

This corner of the room is pretty much done. Only three more corners and a middle to work on and it will be time for the BIG REVEAL! I can't wait for him to see it! 

Remember...DON'T tell him! LOL! :))

Love you guys! See you very soon!


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