Thursday, February 25, 2021

A Pink Surprise! :O


Like so many other things in my out of control inventory, I'd forgotten I snagged this adorable pink suit during a Valentine sale. I found it this evening as I embarked on a new organizing project. You see, recently I've had to give myself a little mini-intervention. I'm becoming some strange sort of hoarder in SL. 
I learned the benefits of keeping a super-organized inventory years ago as well as the extra benefit of my viewer and online experience running much better with a light and tight inventory.

So how in the H-E-Doublehockeysticks did I get back up to just over 170k in inventory?

At one time, I had it down to under 50K. Like just over a year ago. That means this past year I've accumulated over 120k sl "things" I just HAD to have. So Covid Hoarding is apparently a thing and apparently I have it. Now it's time to start tossing things out again with a new goal of getting back down to under 50k. Before I knew better, I would joke to my friends about about my inventory count - like the giant number was something to be proud of. Then someone much smarter than I explained to me the problems and ridiculousness of maintaining such a bloated inventory. From then on, I kind of just kept the number to myself. Unless it was super low. Then I'd shout it from the rooftops. :P 

I think what I'm going to try the next few weeks is to put together outfits and décor vignettes as I sort through my bulging SL "closet", take nice photos in/of them, then play the "keep or toss" game. Oh, and throw a bunch of stuff in my gacha marketplace store thingy. Here we go. Uhhhhgain. >.< 

I am going to make an attempt to not purchase anything new until I reach certain benchmark goals on my way back down to 50k. I wonder if I set a goal of "Nothing new until I reach 160k, then I'm allowed only 5 things. Then 150k I can reward myself with another 5 things, etc."

Is that weird? Have you guys ever had this problem before? What did you do about it? I'd love to hear!

So that's all for this post. I need to get back to sorting and not let myself get distracted with blog posts and Flickr photos. Well, for at least a couple hours, that is.

Love you guys! Thanks for visiting!


:::What I'm Wearing:::

Hair - KUNI - Gabriela


Maitreya Mesh Body



TBF SOHO Wayfarer Glasses

*PKC* Rosary Bento Ring

Gaury Crystal Palm Cuff

Vibing -- Jade Rings

Handbag - from {Le'La} Emerald Outfit


[AB] Yummer Blazer MAITREYA Pink

[AB] Yummy Skirt MAITREYA Pink

Beautiful Dirty Rich Yours Truly v2 WHITE LACE BODYSUIT
#EMPIRE - Aster - Maitreya